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From the desk of Pastor Rev. William "Bill" Dandridge

from the Desk of the Pastor


Re-Entry for "In-Person" Worship Services

Sunday School: 9:00am Worship Service: 10:00am

On Sunday August 1st, we officially re-entered for In-person worship while continuing the live streaming of our services every Sunday. We will continue with this hybrid service model.

We will continue our virtual services on Facebook – Please remember that Sunday School will be at 9am and worship service at 10:00am beginning August 1st, 2021. The recorded services can be viewed on the church website and also the holylightmbc facebook page.

Continue to pray for our nation, state and city and for the hearts of those to change their positions of authority in law enforcement. We also pray for our President and Vice President as they ready themselves to take on a big challenge in our nation


Sunday Service: October 17, 2021


6th Anniversary Appreciation Honoring


Sunday Service: October 3, 2021


Annual Women's Day: 9/26/2021


Holy Light Men's Day

Sunday, October 24, 2021 (10:00am)

THEME: MEN OF GOD: Nothing to Fear when They Fear GOD

Matthew 10:26-28

Our Speaker will be Rev. Tyrone McDaniels, Associate Minister, King Solomon MBC

Men of Holy Light are asked to give a special offering of $100.00

Congratulations to our much deserved 2021 Woman of the Year, Sister Traci Hollis. Traci works in multiple ministries in the Church. This was a much deserved honor.


Women’s Day

September 26, 2021 (Past Event)

Congratulations to our much deserved 2021 Woman of the Year, Sister Traci Hollis. Traci works in multiple ministries in the Church. This was a much deserved honor.

2019 Woman of Year, Sister Klotonya Hamilton presents award to Sister Traci Hollis

Chairladies - Sister Saunja Dickens & Brenda Weber


Church Improvement Updates

This week work began on the installation of a fence surrounding the parking lot on Normandie Avenue. This follows the installation of new flooring in the church vestibule and the Inez Berry Fellowship Hall


Keep It Mental 101: "Mental Health & Holistic Care"

October 30, 2021 (10:00am)

Keeping it Mental 101 will host their Third Workshop on Saturday October 30th at 10:00am. – Holy Light MBC Sanctuary

Topic: Mental Health & Holistic Care.

Dr. Triuna Cummings a board certified National Healthcare Consultant in holistic medicine will be part of this panel.

It will be streamed live on the Holy Light Facebook Page. Also people can attend in-person to this workshop



Save the Date!!

Member Appreciation Day

January 8, 2022 (2:00pm)

The Pastor and Wife will be having a MEMBER Appreciation Event at the Church on

Saturday January 8th starting at 2pm. Let’s lighten it up with a comedy event emceed by Lester Barrie. Food will be served and there will be prizes given out.

Let’s Start the Year Fellowshipping Together.


HOLY LIGHT will be part of the African American Church Evangelism Cohort. The first Pastor’s meeting will be on November 11th The cohort will begin in January 2022 and will take place over 18 to 24 months.

The African American Church Evangelism Institute is a movement of African American churches reaching out with the gospel to impact the world – Community by Community!

Sunday Message

October 17th message – Lessons On Dealing with Giants I Samuel 17:34-40


The Bible teaches that giving financially to the work of the Lord is a vital part of being a follower of Christ. 

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