from the Desk of the Pastor
In person worship Services continue to be temporarily cancelled. We have no definite re-opening date but it appears it will at least not be until the Summer/Fall of 2021. We are looking toward vaccines being received which will cut down the current health risk.
For our virtual services, we have incorporated a plan to check the temperature and have a health check form be completed before anyone enters the sanctuary. This is done for the safety of our members during this period of increased cases in our city. We thank our Holy Light Ushers for their work in providing their services in this area.
Please note that on the Holy Light MBC Facebook account there is a live service at 9:00am every Sunday morning. The recording of the services are on the Holy Light face book page as well as the Holy Light website
Please continue to pray for our members who are dealing currently with illness and health issues. The prayers of the righteous availeth much!
Continue to pray for our nation, state and city and for the hearts of those to change their positions of authority in law enforcement. We also pray for our President-Elect and Vice President-Elect as they ready themselves to take on a big challenge in our nation.
Sunday Service: February 28, 2021
Sunday Service: February 21, 2021
Keep It Mental 101
Sponsored by Gospel Mission Baptist Church, Health & Wellness Committee
Saturday, March 6, 2021 (10:00am - 12:00pm)

Sunday, March, 7, 2021 (10:00am-12:00pm)
Communion will be served as always in the Church Parking Lot. Sunday, March 7th from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
Bible Study
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 (7:00pm)
*Zoom info was emailed on March 3. If you haven't received it, please contact Pastor Dandridge.
We are beginning our Bible Study on Wednesday, March 10th at 7pm. This will be a recurring weekly meeting. We will start with our weekly Sunday School Lesson. 1st Lesson is “God’s Wrath Against Mankind” – Romans 1:18-32
California State Baptist Convention Mid-Winter Virtual Session
March 11, 2021 (9:00am - 7:00pm)
The California State Baptist Convention Mid-Winter Virtual Session information is below. Asking for our church leadership to register for one of the workshop sessions at 9:45am (registration is required for the workshops) if there is no work conflict. We will meet and discuss over a zoom meeting the information received in the conference.
Please contact Pastor Dandridge to let him know which workshop you will attend. Please also note the general session and the State of the Black Church panel is open to everyone.

Health & Community

Let's Be Whole: Healthy Food Giveaway


Sermon Subject : Who You Gonna Call?
Psalm 121 is a treasure of promise for the suffering believer, whose “help comes from the Lord ” (verse 2). After personally celebrating Yahweh’s guardianship in verses 1–2, the psalmist turns to give assurance to others in verses 3–8. He declares the nature of God’s guarding role in verse 3–4: “He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.”
The Perseverance of the Saints
The psalmist is not promising the absence of pain or even failure. But he is promising that, amidst seas of adversity, the elect will remain upheld, not because of their own doing, but because of the preserving hand of God. No one can snatch God’s sheep out of his hand (John 10:27–30), and the one who has justified will never again condemn (Romans 8:33–34). What mercy! What promise! The sure confidence we have today that we will remain with God tomorrow is God himself. Thank him. Remain dependent on him. Plead for his sustaining grace.
He Watches Over Our Souls
“The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary” (Isaiah 40:28). Yahweh is always awake, always aware, and always watching over his children.
Do not put your hope today in yourself, for were it not for God, you would surely slip. But because of his ever-sustaining mercy, your faith will remain.
It is the steadfast love of the Lord that sustains. It never ceases but it is replenished every dawn (Lamentations 3:22–23).