from the Desk of the Pastor
In person worship Services continue to be temporarily cancelled. We have no definite re-opening date but it appears it will at least not be until the Spring of 2021 based on increasing cases in Southern California For our virtual services, we have incorporated a plan to check the temperature and have a health check form be completed before anyone enters the sanctuary. This is done for the safety of our members during this period of increased cases in our city. We thank our Holy Light Ushers for their work in providing their services in this area. We also thank Traci Hollis in preparing the signs for inside and outside our church building. Please continue to be safe and encouraged during this time.
Please note that on the Holy Light MBC Facebook account there is a live service at 9:00am every Sunday morning. The recording of the services are on the Holy Light face book page as well as the Holy Light website
Sunday Service: Jan 10, 2020
Sunday Service: Nov 29, 2020
Continue to pray for our nation, state and city and for the hearts of those to change their positions of authority in law enforcement. We also pray for our President-Elect and Vice President-Elect as they ready themselves to take on a big challenge in our nation.
Food Bank Information

Please see the link below Food Bank Guide Distribution Information. Thanks to Brother Darius Crockett for providing. If you need assistance or know someone in need of assistance this will be valuable information to share. As you can see various areas of the city and county are included.
Christmas Outreach "Free Toys" at First Evergreen MBC
December 19, 2020 (12:00pm)
First Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church 1200 N. Wilmington Ave, Compton, CA 90222

California State Baptist Convention Children, Youth & Young Adult Virtual Conference
Sunday, December 27, 2020 - Worship 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Monday, December 28, 2020 - Workshop 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
REGISTRATION IS FREE Register Online > Register by E-mail > Register by mail >
California State Baptist Convention, Inc. 2020 CYYA CONFERENCE - COPING WITH THE CRISIS c/o Christ Second Baptist Church 1471 Martin Luther King Jr., Avenue, Long Beach, California 90813

Saturday, January 30, 2021
Our Neighborhood Block party will be Saturday, January 30th in the Church parking lot. More information to come.
Sermon Sunday

December 6, 2020
We celebrate the Christmas Season.
For the next 3 Sundays – I will be delivering messages in a Sermon Series “The Gift Exchange”
In this season we like to exchange gifts with one another but these messages will focus on gifts that we can give to God and he can give us a much better gift in return. 1st Sermon Subject: Give God Your Worry and He Will Give You Peace
Matthew 6:25-33
Please note in the message we worry about a lot of things.
Finances, Food, Fashion, Foundation (residence) All that worry gets us nowhere.
This message says that if we put God first then all things will be added to us. We need to remember to seek for his righteousness and not our righteousness.
Be Blessed by the Word of God