Mark 5:1-20 Sermon Text August 3, 2014
This text sits in the middle of several hopeless situations. Just prior to the events we just read, Jesus and His disciples were sailing the Sea of Galilee when a tremendous storm overwhelmed their boat. The disciples were certain that they were going to die, Mark 4:38. Those men were seasoned fishermen, but they were helpless to solve their problem. In their minds, they were in a hopeless situation. While that storm far exceeded their own abilities, it posed no problem for the Master of the Sea. He calmed the storm and He calmed His men.
In this chapter, Jesus moves into a new set of impossible situations. He encounters a man possessed by thousands of demons. This poor, demon possessed man is in a desperate situation, he is unable help himself, and the people around him are powerless to help him as well. After this incident, Jesus will deal with a diseased woman and a dead girl. All four of these situations were hopeless from a human perspective. Yet, in each of these cases, Jesus proved that He was the Master of them all.
If that demon possessed man were alive today, he would be sent to live in a mental institution. That diseased woman would be sent to terminal care ward. The dead girl would be sent to the cemetery. This passage teaches us that whether He is faced with a storms, demons, disease, or death, Jesus is able to handle whatever comes His way.
This passage opens, with a description of a man who is firmly held in Satan’s grasp. The devil is his master, and this man is in a state of utter hopelessness and absolute helplessness.
We are told that he has “an unclean spirit”! Then, we find out that he is not just the home to one foul spirit, but he is possessed by “a legion” of demons, v. 9. A legion in the Roman army could be anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 men. This man was the host for thousands of evil spirits. This poor, pitiful individual was totally under the control of the devil!
I would just remind you that this man’s situation is no different from that of every lost soul in the world today, John 8:44.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Of course, man has his ways of seeking to conquer and cure the problems that plague humanity. Man builds jails, prisons, institutions and asylums to hold those who manifest the outward signs of inward death. Man promotes pills, potions, and psychology as the answer to man’s dilemma. If man is going to ever get the help he needs, he must get that help from the Lord.
You do not need a pill. You do not need a psychiatrist. You do not need a priest. You do not need a twelve step program. You need Jesus! He is the antidote for the poison of sin! He is the cure for your condition! He is the solution to your problem!
We see people and sometimes we think that some are a lost cause. We may wonder if they can or will be saved. Well, I can’t tell you for sure that they will be. You are here and saved today because the Savior had compassion on you!
He loved you in spite of your sins and He came to where you were to deliver you from the bondage that gripped your heart and life. He loved you enough to die for you on the cross, Rom. 5:6-8, and He loved you enough to come and set you free.
Jesus sees people with a different set of eyes than we do! We see their sins, He sees what He can make of their lives!
This is just further proof of his change! What we need to notice here is that what Jesus does in the heart of a man is ALWAYS worked out on the outside of a man, Matt. 12:35!
Jesus Calmed Him - We are told that he is in his right mind! Where there has been turmoil and agitation, there is now perfect peace! He has been changed spiritually, physically and mentally!
v. 19-20 He Was Commissioned For Jesus – Jesus refused the man’s request to be allowed to go with Him. Instead, Jesus sent him back to his home to tell others what the Lord had done for him. And, that is precisely what he did. He went into “Decapolis”, which means “the ten cities” and he preached the Gospel of grace to all who would listen!
He isn’t screaming, he is preaching about a man named Jesus. He isn’t running around like a wild man; he is calm and sane and he is talking about how Jesus has changed his life. He isn’t naked; he is clothed and peaceful and changed.
The people listen to his story and they are touched; some are no doubt saved.
What a difference Jesus makes!
Please notice that there is now a media section in the Holy Light website. You can go there and view now the message brought by Associate Pastor Dandridge on our Shiloh visit and our recent Resurrection Day services. We will add future services to this content.
New Members class in the Inez Berry fellowship start at 9:45am on Sunday. The new members’ class is taught every Sunday morning except the first Sunday of each month.
08/31 (Sun)
Mothers Board Sponsoring Program (1:30 pm ~)
A Garden of Fashion in the Inez Berry Fellowship Hall. Donation $10.00 - Includes lunch, fashion and show.
08/31 (Sun):
Pastoral Anniversary for Rev. Kenneth B. Pitchford Greater Hopewell Full Gospel Church (5:00 pm ~)
Address: 3214 W Vernon Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90008
09/06 (Sat):
Women's Day Fish Fry (12:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm)
Donation $8.00.
09/14 (Sun)

Annual Youth Day - Theme: Christian Youth Don’t be Ashamed to Trust in God – Psalms 25: 1-5
We are celebrating our annual Youth Day Services at Holy Light with services at 8:00 am, 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. This year we are blessed to have the dynamic and anointedRev. James R. Flint Jr., Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois again come out and be our speaker for the 8:00 am and 11:00 am services. Details
09/21 (Sun):
Men’s Day at King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church (3:30 pm ~)
We have been invited to take part in the Men’s day service atKing Solomon Missionary Baptist church. The male chorus will minister and Associate Pastor Dandridge has been asked to bring the Gospel message. Address: 7407 S. Central Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90001
09/28 (Sat):
Women's Day Services
We are celebrating our annual Women’s Day Services at Holy Light with services at 8:00 am,11:00 am and 3:00 pm. This year we are blessed to have the following speakers. At 8:00am our own Minister Stacy Johnson, Ph. D. of Holy Light M.B.C. will bring the gospel message. At 11:00 amMinister Evelyn Reason Ph. D. of Life Changing Ministries in Ontario, California will bring the message. At the 3:00pm the HLMBC drama ministry will share at the service.
Church Softball Team
The church softball team is in action. The next games will be Monday September22nd at Westchester Park. The playoffs will start on September 22nd.
Play "Wicked" at the Pantages Theatre (Sunday, Jan. 18, 2015)
Holy Light goes to Hollywood: We have preordered tickets for the play Wicked at the Pantages Theatre on January 18, 2015. The show time is 6:30pm. Tickets are $40.00 for adults ($70.00 at the box office). Please contact Associate Pastor Dandridge if you are interested. The deadline to pay for tickets is November 17, 2014. Tickets for children are at $15.00.