Sunday 04/10/2016 Sermon subject was the Three Looks of the Church:
Philippians 3:13-14
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
In these verses here in Philippians chapter 3, we find the Apostle Paul taking a spiritual inventory of his life. In these verses, Paul relates that if any man could claim works as his banner, then Paul was that man. However, in verses 7-12, Paul tells us that all those things he had formerly counted on were just so much dung before God. He tells us that the most important thing in life is a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. What we find here, is that Paul, with all his accomplishments and his great spiritual lineage was still unsatisfied with where he was with the Lord, v. 12-13a. As Paul begins to look at his life, he sees himself as a man who has not yet arrived and one who stands in need of improvement. In essence, he is describing every Christian believer. Most of us have the testimony that we are saved by grace and on our way to Heaven. However, I would venture to say that not a single one of us is completely content with where we are before the Lord. When we get satisfied, we get complacent and when we get complacent, we cease to grow as a believer. While this is true for the individual, it is equally true for the church as a whole. I believe that we here at Holy Light MBC have a lot to be thankful for. God has blessed us greatly and we have seen him do many wonderful and exciting things here as the years have passed. Even now, we are seeing the church grow and we are experiencing his blessings both spiritually and materially. However, there is always the danger that we will become complacent and become satisfied with things as they are.
A. Take a look back and conduct a spiritual inventory.. As individuals and as a church body, we should list our accomplishments, our failures, our hopes, our dreams, etc. We need to see again where
B. Learn The wise man and the wise congregation will look back on the past and will learn from it. We will do our best to see that we are never again guilty of repeating the same mistakes. Yes, we all do things wrong. But, we should be wise enough to learn from those things so that we will never be guilty of them again!
As individuals, we are constantly beating ourselves up over things that were done before we were even saved. Well, it doesn't have to be that way. After all, the person who did all those awful things is dead, and a new man has taken his place; Rom 6:8; 2 Cor. 5:17. (Ill. Some folks just can't seem to get past their past.)
For the church, there is always a danger of looking back. Too many churches have allowed themselves to become just shells of what they were formerly. When this happens, and a backward look is taken, too often, churches and church members just want to go on living in the past instead of striving in the present. Learn to shake off the past and leave it behind. If you don’t as an individual, or if we don't as a church, then it will only serve as a weight to hinder us a to drag us down, Heb. 12:1.
At How We Live - Paul was doing his best to live for Jesus. He was "pressing" forward. "Press" = "to run after a thing in order to lay hold on it." Paul’s Christian life wasn’t a hit or miss thing. He was all out for Jesus. Nothing else in life mattered as much as living for the Lord.) There are to ways that we should all be living. For Jesus - 1 Cor. 13:31 ; Every activity, every attitude, every actions, everything should be to His glory and His honor! This applies to this church as well as it does to every individual. By Jesus - Gal. 2:20 – Here is where so many Christians and so many churches miss it. We tend to try to do "Christian" things in our own power. In reality, we are powerless in and of ourselves, John 15:5. As we look around at where we are today as a church body and as individuals, we need to see that we must be allowing Christ to have total control of our lives. At How We Labor - (Paul was striving and reaching.) He was doing his best for the glory of the Lord! As we take a look at where we are today, how do we stack up as laborers? . The night is coming – John 9:4. Therefore, we need to throw ourselves into the Lord’s work without reservation.
We Are Partakers Of A Holy Calling – We are called to be separate from the world – 2 Cor. 6:17; 2 Thes. 3:6; 1 Tim. 5:22. Ill. As born again children of God, we should be doing our best to live for the Lord and bring honor to his name by separating ourselves from the world and its filth. God’s desire is that we grow in holiness until we resemble Him – 1 Pet. 1:16. C. We Are Partakers Of A Heavenly Calling – (Ill. This life is a race, Heb. 12:1-2. Sometimes we are ahead and sometimes, we find ourselves being left behind. Often, this life becomes a struggle. One day, however, it will all be behind us and we will be home with the Lord!) Hang in there believers, stop looking back at the past, instead, look forward to the future. It is bright and never ending! One day, we will be in that Heavenly home. The hoping, dreaming and wishing will be over and we will be forever home with
April 24, 2016 (Sun)
Church Fellowship at Citizens of Zion Baptist MBC "Pastor Bobby Newman Jr" Fourth Appreciation Service (3:00pm)
Location: Citizens of Zion Baptist MBC
12930 North Lime Avenue, Compton, CA 90221
Food will be served prior to the service. The Holy Light MBC Mass choir will render a selection.
May 1, 2016 (Sun)
Providence Missionary Baptist District "Ushers and First Aider Annual Day" at St. Mark Baptist Church (3:30pm)
Location: St. Mark Baptist Church 1703 Lemon Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90813
May 1, 2016 (Sun)
Children and Youth Ministry Meeting with All Parents & Guardians (After 11:00 am Service)
Our children and youth ministry development is underway. There will be a meeting with all parents & guardians after 11:00am service on Sunday May 1st.
The plan is for Children’s Church to begin on the third Sunday at 11:00 am service.
May 7, 2016 (Sat)
Pre Mother’s Day Brunch – Inez Berry Fellowship (10:00 am)
May 10 (Tue) - 12 (Thu), 2016
Providence Missionary Baptist Association "Congress of Christian Education" at First New Christian Fellowship MBC (6:00pm - 9:00pm)
Location: First New Christian Fellowship MBC 1555 W. 108th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047
Classes include: Building Strong Christian Couples. Intro to Mission Church, Leadership as Enabling, Spiritual Growth , Youth Leadership and classes for youth ages 2-18. Fundamentals of Ushering and Trustee Class. Pastor Dandridge will be the instructor for the trustee class.
May 15, 2016 (Sun)
Holy Light Usher & First Aider Annual Day (3:00pm)
Guest church Gospel Mission Baptist Church, Pastor Raymond Dennis
Theme “God’s Workers Finding Favor of the Lord” - Proverbs 8:34-35 Pastor Dennis will be bringing the message.
June 25, 2016 (Sat)
Pastor Dandridge's Retirement Celebration from UCLA (11:00 am - 3:00 pm)
Pastor Dandridge’s Retirement Celebration from UCLA will be at Lakewood Country Club on Saturday June 25th from 11:00am to 3:00pm.
We are continuing our study of the Book of Genesis- Pastor Dandridge is teaching and we are currently in Chapter 27 in our study of Esau and Jacob.
II Timothy 2:15 -Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth