We have been preaching a sermon series on the seven recorded miracles of Apostle John in his gospel.
The focus of John’s gospel is the Lord’s Judean ministry and really only the last part of that. He devoted most of 9 chapters (John 12-20) to the Lord’s last wee k and used 1/3 of the gospel’s 879 verses to describe His last 24 hours. The first 11 chapters define the Lord’s ministry through John’s selective use of 7 miracles.
Miracle 1, Water Into Wine (John 2:1-11)
This miracle took place because an embarrassing discovery had been made. A wedding banquet Jesus was attending was in full swing when the servants suddenly realized they were out of wine. His mother, who was also there, asked Him to help. The Lord had 6 empty jars of stone filled with water which He then turned into wine. The master of the banquet proclaimed the wine Jesus had made to be superior to the wine they had served earlier, saying they had saved the best for last. The wine these jars now contained was superior to the wine the wedding guests had been drinking before, just as the New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant (Hebrews 8:6). This miracle symbolized nothing less than the Mission of the Messiah; changing the empty way of man’s religion into a living, joyful, relationship with the Lord, as demonstrated by the wedding celebration.
Miracle 2, Healing the Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
Here’s an act of God’s Grace, pure and simple. There’s no indication of the official’s nationality or background, his religious conviction or his worthiness, only his faith. He had heard of Jesus and of His miraculous power and begged Him to come heal his dying son. Jesus didn’t go with him but simply told the man his son would live. The man took Jesus at His word and departed for home. The next day, while he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his son had recovered. From their discussion he learned that his son had been made well from the very time he had spoken with Jesus. Because of this He and all his household became believers, saved by grace through faith.
Miracle 3, The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-9)
Tradition holds that an angel periodically stirred the waters at the Pool of Bethesda. The first one into the water when that happened was healed. Many people who were sick or disabled waited there by the pool day after day for a chance to be healed. But a cripple can’t get himself to the pool in time. This man had been crippled for 38 years and had repeatedly tried and failed. Then Jesus came along and healed him.
He was at the very edge of healing, but all of his unsuccessful efforts to get into the pool had only made it obvious that his infirmity was preventing him from being healed. In the same way, the Law leaves us at the very edge of salvation but all of our unsuccessful efforts to keep it only make it obvious that our sinfulness will prevent us from being saved. Just like the cripple needed someone to heal him, we need someone to save us.
Miracle 4, The Feeding of the 5000 (John 6:1-5)
A large crowd had followed Jesus into a remote location and Jesus could see that they would need to be fed. But the men alone numbered 5,000 and adding the women and children could have more than doubled that number. Andrew found a boy with 5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish, and Jesus multiplied it into a satisfying meal for everyone with enough left over to fill 12 baskets. This is the practical demonstration of the Lord’s promise that if we seek His kingdom and His righteousness, all our other needs will be met as well (Matt. 6:31-33). But there’s more in view here than just our physical needs. We who believe in Jesus will never again feel that emptiness that tells us there’s more to life than just having our physical needs met.
Miracle 5, Walking on the Water (John 6:16-25)
The 5th miracle is also well known to everyone familiar with the Lord’s ministry. The disciples had labored all night long to row only about half way across the Sea of Galilee (about 3 miles), when the Lord passed by them … walking on the water! When they realized it was Jesus, they let him into the boat and immediately reached their destination. Without Him they were struggling just to make headway, but with Him in their midst the struggle was over.
Miracle 6, Healing The Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41)
A man had been blind from birth. Jesus made some mud, put it on the man’s eyes and told him to go wash it off. When the man did as Jesus instructed he could see. In the Jewish officials experience, no one had ever opened the eyes of a man born blind and they were determined to discredit the lowly beggar, especially since this event took place on the Sabbath. A lengthy interrogation followed, where the beggar put the religious experts to shame, and they ended up throwing him out. Afterward Jesus found him and introduced Himself. The man became a believer and worshiped him. Jesus said He came so the blind would see and those who see would become blind. When the Pharisees asked if He thought they were blind He said, “If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin, but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains” (John 9:39-41). As it concerns your eternity, it doesn’t matter what you claim to know about Jesus. What matters is whether you know Jesus.
Miracle 7, Raising Lazarus From The Dead (John 11:1-44)
The last miracle John recorded before the resurrection shows the fulfillment of our Lord’s promise to all who believe in His name, as He called Lazarus out of the grave and restored him from death to life. The text shows that even though Jesus knew Lazarus was sick He actually waited until Lazarus was dead and buried before He responded to the sisters’ call for help. He did this so He could bring Lazarus back to life. It was an unmistakable model of the resurrection of the believing dead that contains the tiniest hint of the rapture. I don’t think people who don’t already know about the rapture see this, but those who do can take comfort in this faint hint contained in John 11:25-26.
Near the end of his gospel account John said, “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30-31).This tells us he selected these seven miracles specifically for their ability to help us believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be, and that by believing we might have eternal life. So what does these particular miracles show us that would help us believe? Miracle 1 shows He came to take us from the stone cold and empty way of man’s religion into a living and joyful relationship with Him. Miracle 2 shows we are saved by grace through faith. Miracle 3 shows our own futile works are insufficient to save ourselves. We need Him to save us. Miracle 4 is a demonstration of His supernatural care and provision for those who seek Him. Miracle 5 shows that because of His miraculous power, we can easily accomplish things through Him that would be all but impossible on our own. Miracle 6 reveals that if we’ll allow it, He can cause even the lowliest person born spiritually blind to see and believe. Miracle 7 is a promise that all who believe in Him will live even though they die, and those who live and believe will never die.
Pastor Dandridge will be traveling to Chicago, Illinois and will be speaking at services at 7:00am at Calvary Baptist Church in Chicago where Rev. Dr. James R. Flint Jr is the pastor. At 11:00am he will be speaking at the Union Evangelistic Baptist Church in Chicago Heights, Illinois for the pastoral anniversary services of Rev. Dr. James R. Flint Sr.
April 14-16, 2017
Resurrection Weekend
Annual Good Friday Services (7:00 pm) Sponsored by the HLMBC Education Department
Saturday: "Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt" (10:00 am) Location: Jesse Owens Park 9651 S. Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047 (MAP)
Sunday Services: - Sunrise Service (6:00 am) - Morning Service (10:00 am) *Breakfast will be served between services on Sunday.
April 23, 2017 (Sun): 3:30 pm
Pastor Appreciation Services for Pastor Bobby L. Newman
Location: Citizens of Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Compton (12930 Lime Avenue, Compton, CA 90221)
April 28 & 29, 2017
Valor Men of Valor Conference Christian Men’s Retreat
Location: Hilton Hotel Irvine (18800 MacArthur Blvd, Irvine, CA 92612) www.valormenofchrist.com
April 30, 2017 (Sun)
Uni-Tee Day – Fifth Sunday
Time: 10:00 am
April 30, 2017 (Sun)
TCTC Scholarship Luncheon to Honor Class of 2017 Graduates, Dominique Davis & Shalonda Ward
Location: Carson Community Center (801 E. Carson St. Carson, CA 90745)
Time: 2:00 pm
This luncheon is a fundraiser to go to their college education. These young ladies have been accepted by multiple colleges. All proceeds will go to their educational support. The luncheon will include a buffet lunch and entertainment.

Totally Committed To Christ Praise Dancers to Celebrate 13 Years of Dance Ministry
May 6, 2017 (Sat), 10:00am
Deaconess Pre Mothers Day Luncheon
Location: Inez Berry Fellowship Hall
May 7, 2017
Providence Baptist District Association – Annual Usher Day
Location: Tabernacle of Faith MBC (11328 S. Central Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90059)
Time: 3:00 pm Pastor Dandridge will bring the message and Holy Light Choir will minister in song. Please note that the Providence Congress of Christian Education will be May 16-18th at Tabernacle of Faith MBC from 6pm – 9pm nightly. Pastor Dandridge is the Congress Dean and Sister Carolyn Singleton will be conducting a workshop on Music Ministry.
Sister Shalonda Ward competed in the Heritage Music Foundation Oratorical Contest and Scholarship Award Contest and was the first place winner.
Annual Ushers & First Aiders Annual day was a blessed service. Congratulations to Presidents Shawn Sanders and Sadie Sawyer and all the ushers and first aiders. The Usher Grand March was awesome again this year.