How Sweet It Is - Psalms 133:1 Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity
Last month at the King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church, I was able to bring this message at their Annual Men’s Day Services. Holy Light has just observed our church unity day.
As to brethren in spirit, we ought to dwell together in church fellowship, and in that fellowship one essential matter is unity. We can dispense with uniformity if we possess unity: oneness of life, truth, and way; oneness in Christ Jesus; oneness of object and spirit—these we must have, or our assemblies will be synagogues of contention rather than churches of Christ. The closer the unity the better; for the more of the good and the pleasant there will be. Since we are imperfect beings, somewhat of the evil and the unpleasant is sure to intrude; but this will readily be neutralized and easily ejected by the true love of the saints, if it really exists. Christian unity is good in itself, good for ourselves, good for the brethren, good for our converts, good for the outside world; and for certain it is pleasant; for a loving heart must have pleasure and give pleasure in associating with others of like nature. A church united for years in earnest service of the Lord is a well of goodness and joy to all those who dwell round about it.
I concluded that sermon with the words provided by the great singer Marvin Gaye who was singing about a woman he loved. How Sweet It is (to be loved by you) We can use those same words about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
See Marvins words below: "How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)" How sweet it is to be loved by you How sweet it is to be loved by you
I needed the shelter of someone's arms and there you were I needed someone to understand my ups and downs and there you were With sweet love and devotion deeply touching my emotion I want to stop and thank you Jesus I just want to stop and thank you Jesus
How sweet it is to be loved by you How sweet it is to be loved by you
I close my eyes at night, wondering where would I be without you in my life Everything I did was just a bore, everywhere I went it seems I'd been there before But you brightened up for me all of my days With a love so sweet in so many ways I want to stop and thank you Jesus I want to stop and thank you Jesus
How sweet it is to be loved by you How sweet it is to be loved by you
You were better to me than I've been to myself For me, there's you and there ain't nobody else I want to stop and thank you Jesus I just want to stop and thank you Jesus
How Sweet It It to be Loved by Jesus
Events & Services
10/25 (Sat):
Harvest Festival (12 - 4 pm)
Our 2nd annual Childrens Dept/Young People Harvest Festival. There will be games with prizes. We will have a jumper and of course the return of the infamous mechanical bull. There will be food and of course candy but to get candy you will need to study up on your bible. Come out and be part of the fun, food and fellowship.
October 26th (Sun):
Annual Men's Day Services
Theme: Christian Men refusing to bow down to the ways of the world - Daniel 3:17
Please come and fellowship with us at our Annual Men’s Day services. There will be services at 8:00 am , 11:00 pm & 3:00 pm. The speakers will be Rev. Cornelius Crandall, Holy Light MBC at 8:00am (his birthday), Holy Light MBC Associate Pastor Dandridge at 11:00am and Rev. Raymond Dennis, the Pastor of Gospel Mission Baptist Church at 3:00pm.
November 2nd (Sun):
Holy Spirit in Motion Biannual Ministry Service (3:30 pm)
Please come out and support our Praise Dance Ministries on the first Sunday in November. Not only will our own Holy Spirit in Motion and Totally Committed to Christ Praise Dance ministries be ministering but we will have guests praise ministries. The New Visions Christian Fellowship Praise team and Women of Praise dance Ministry will also be our guests. There will be food served between the 11:00 am and 3:30 pm services.
November 9th (Sun):

Guest Messenger
At our 8:00 am service, we are blessed to have Pastor Lovester Adams Sr. of the Greater New St. Matthew Baptist Church bring the morning message.
November 9th (Sun):
Pastor Willie Chambers Appreciation Services at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church - Riverside (3:30 pm)
There will be a Charter bus leaving after the 11:00am service to go to Riverside. Food is served before the services. Associate Pastor Dandridge will be bringing the message and the Voices of Praise choir will be ministering in song.
November 15th (Sat):
Church Cleaning Volunteer Day (10:00 am)
Coming out of our last church meeting the suggestion was brought forth for our members who are willing to have a day to come and help clean the church. Colossians 3:2323 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Lets come out and fellowship and show our concern for our church.
November 23rd (Sun):
Fall Musical at Holy Light (3:00 pm)
Our music ministries will minister in music at this service along with some invited guests.
November 30th (Sun): New Visions Christian Fellowship - Church Anniversary Services (3:30 pm)
Service will be on the campus of St. Bernard’s High School – Hannon Building (9100 Falmouth Avenue. Click here for map. Associate Pastor Dandridge will bring the message and the both the church praise dance ministries, Holy Spirit in Motion and Totally Committed to Christ will be part of the service.
January 18th, 2015 (Sun):
Church Fellowship at the Play Wicked at the Pantages in Hollywood (6:30 PM)
All tickets have been sold for this fellowship event. All payments for the tickets reserved is Sunday November 9th. If you missed this event we will be having another fellowship outing to the play Motown at the Pantages in late May or early June. Please let Associate Pastor Dandridge know if you are interested. Tickets must be ordered well in advance to get the group discount rate. The tickets for Wicked as an example were $93.00 each but we got them for much much less!!