From the Desk of the Pastor
Almighty God, we bless you for our lives, we give you praise for your abundant mercy and grace we receive. Dear God our world is hurting and broken. We pray for Sister LaDonna and others who have lost loved ones this week, please comfort them in their grief and loss, cover them with your peace and presence of your Spirit. In Jesus name we pray . Amen
City of LA Doubles Emergency Senior Meals Response Program
The Mayor of LA expanded an emergency meal program for seniors Wednesday so that more they can stay at home safely but also receive meals.
Beginning Thursday, about 12,000 seniors across Los Angeles will get free meals because there was more demand for the service.
The city's Department of Aging doubled its Emergency Senior Meals Response program, which was created by Mayor Garcetti and funded through the Mayor's Fund of Los Angeles.
Through a partnership with Everytable and Access Services, the Department of Aging and the Mayor’s Office will provide 10 meals a week to 7,280 new seniors.
About 5,000 low-income seniors were already being provided with meals through the Department of Aging and the city of LA will also double the number of meals for them.
LA Mayor Eric Garcetti says so many people called, inquiring about the program when it began that there was a need to expand.
Seniors or their caregivers can sign up for the meal program by calling the Emergency Senior Meals Response Hotline at (213) 263-5226, Monday - Sunday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
To qualify, you have to be age 60 or older, be an LA resident and not be enrolled in other meal programs. If you have trouble getting through on the phone, use this form
Sermon On Being Watchful I Chronicles 12:32
I have been struck by so many people who have stated how can the church be closed. They say it is awful that the church is closed on Easter.
They have really missed the point because the church is never closed. You can temporarily close a building but never the church.. See the church is the ecclesia , the collective congregation of baptized believers. So we take the church with us. Yes, clearly the bible is clear that we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and so much more.
Our church experience when we gather at Holy Light and other Christian churches is to use that experience to encourage and uplift one another. I certainly miss that as many of you do as well.
So why aren’t we the faithful, the believers not jumping in our cars and coming to church on Sunday. Well we are told in scripture to be vigilant and watchful.
Take a look at this text I’ve used. This would not normally be a text I would use for a sermon. The text from 1 Chronicles 12:32 And the children of Issachar which were mthat had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do.
This text was relevant then as it is today. We have to realize the times that we are living in and then know what to do what relevant action needs to be taken. This means that we have to watchful and aware of the times that we are in and make decisions based on wisdom and instruction from the Holy Spirit.
So what does it mean to be watchful? Well why not look at expert such as Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Son of the Living God. In John 16:13 Since we don’t know the future we need to seek the Spirit of truth.
Before I close remember when I preached about Jesus in the Garden of gethsemane. At the point of having to face the bitter cup of death and a separation from God he went to Gethsemane to pray. He was going through agony even to the point of sweating blood. Remember he wanted the disciples to be on watch but they fell asleep time after time. Jesus wanted them to be alert and to pray with him.
Jesus today wants us to be watchmen and women to this generation. I don’t know about you but God has got my attention.
Lets watch as the Lord would have us to do.
Watch that we are not deceived Matthew 24:4
Watch out for false teachers Mark 12:38
Watch out for and avoid all types of greed Luke 12:15
Watch the flock carefully if you are called to be an overseer Acts:20-28
Watch your life and teaching closely I timothy 4:16
Watch out that you don’t lose your reward in heaven 2 John 1:8
Rev. C. L Franklin "I will trust in the Lord"
In this time of crisis, please continue to give online or by sending checks to the church address: 1404 West 96th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047 We are still faithful that more members will give more faithfully in 2020 so we can accomplish more in building the body of Christ in 2020.
The Bible teaches that giving financially to the work of the Lord is a vital part of being a follower of Christ.
Holy Light Missionary Baptist Church offers online giving to help you with your regular, Tithes and Offerings to Holy Light Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles, CA.