From the Desk of the Pastor
In person worship Services continue to be temporarily cancelled. We have a written plan for the church reopening which will lessen the likelihood of exposure during services. The plan can be viewed here.
Please note that on the Holy Light MBC Facebook account there is a live service at 9:00am every Sunday morning.
Church Anniversary – 61st is the second Sunday in July. This year we will not have an in person worship service for the anniversary. The live service will on face book at 9am and then can be viewed on the church website. We are planning on various church projects being completed this summer. The painting project will commence on Monday July 6th. We are asking for a special anniversary offering of $100.00 from each member that will assist in the completion of the projects. The first major project is the painting of the inside of the church including the sanctuary, fellowship hall and vestibule.
Congress of Christian Education 2020 Annual Session Virtual Conference - Thursday, July 16, 2020 (9am - 9pm)
The California State Baptist Convention will be having a virtual session on Thursday July 16th from 9am to 9pm. Please see the flyer below for the outstanding speakers and lecturers. I would like as many members of Holy Light to take part in the workshops to gather as much information on the pandemic and how it relates to the church. Please review the flyer. The workshop at 10am and 3:30 pm must be registered in individually. Registration is not required for the general sessions or panel discussions. Please let Pastor Dandridge know what individual classes you have registered for. We would like all sessions to have Holy Light representation. There is no cost to register. Holy Light has been chosen to participate in a project with the Foundation for Justice and Peace entitled “Every Good bye Ain’t Gone: Grief and Trauma in the time of COVID-19”. Link to Foundation Award Letter

Sermon Series On Winning the Battle in Dark Times
Third Sermon in Series Message Sunday July 5th
Seeking God’s Confirmation Judges 6:34-40 (see Philippians 2:12-13)
In the message we will look at:
Christian’s as God’s Work in progress
Gideon’s seeking Confirmation
Gideon’s Readiness to do God’s Will

Gideon has answered God’s Call - Gideon as committed for God - Received God’s Confirmation
God is working in Gideon’s life to train him for a huge task. He is being cultivated to be used for the glory of God.
Let God have his way in your life! Follow his will and you will never be sorry. Fail to do that and you will forever be sorry!
Sunday School Lesson 4 Answer: Samson Against the Philistines (Judges 15:9-20)


I was contacted by the census specialist, please see below and if you haven’t responded please do so as it is important for our community
As I mentioned in the initial email, the response rate in the area where your church is located is below the State’s and county’s average.
We need to reach as many more households as possible so that these areas don’t miss out on their portion of the 675 billion dollars of yearly federal funding.
The response rate in your area as of 5/20/20 is only 43.4% (Final 2010 Self-Response was 56.2%) while the national average is 59.8% (74%), California 61% (68.2%), LA County 56.2% (69%), LA City is 49.6% (68%).
That’s why we need your help as a Census partner to encourage your community members to self-respond to 2020 Census.
We would like to take this opportunity to ask you to remind your members of multiple ways to self-respond to 2020 Census.
There are three ways that people can participate in the Census :
Online at
Toll-free number
English, 844.330.2020
Spanish, 844.468.2020
Other language lines are available.
Return paper questionnaire (a small number of households will receive a paper form)