As we head into the month of July and we get ready for our 60th church anniversary there is so much to thank God for!!
I Thessalonians 5:18 – In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
We all can thank him daily for:
A Savior – John 3:16
Jesus sacrifice is a beautiful example of how much God loves each of us
A Fresh Start- Lamentations 3:22-23
We have a God of grace whose mercies begin new every morning
A Purpose- Ephesians 2:10
God created you on purpose, with purpose and for a purpose
A Beautiful World- Nehemiah 9:6
Everyone can view God’s creation on a 24/7 basis
The Ability to Worship – Psalms 100:4
Our ability to praise him because of how much he is worth to us!!
Peace in any Circumstance - John14:27
If we take our eyes off our situation and focus on him he gives us peace
A Full Life - John10:10
Jesus came that life with him would not be just an endurance but enjoyment
The Bible (God’s Word) 2 Timothy 3:16
Through the Bible we get instruction, encouragement and guidance
The Church - Hebrews 10:24-25
No need to walk through life alone but with a community of believers
A Reason to Believe Romans 8:28
We serve a God that is not only a promise maker but a promise keeper
June 22, Saturday (11:00 am - 3:00 pm)
Holy Light MBC Church BBQ "Proceeds to support Church Anniversary and Improvements to Church Facilities"
(1) meat $12.00 (2) Meats $15.00 (3) meats $17.00 All dinners include 2 sides, bread, dessert and beverage.

June 23, 2019, Sunday, 3:30 pm
Gospel Mission Baptist Church Annual Usher Day
Address: Gospel Mission Baptist Church - 7301 S. Avalon Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90003
We look forward to our 60th Church Anniversary Week Services
July 9 -11, 2019, 7:30 pm
Church Anniversary Revival Services Nightly
Tuesday Night (7:30 pm): Greater Faith Baptist Church – Spoken Word – Pastor Darnell Dyson
Wednesday Night (7:30 pm): Carver Missionary B.C. – Spoken Word – Pastor Darnell Manuel
Thursday Night (7:30 pm): Shiloh Baptist Church (Trenton, N.J. ) – Spoken Word- Pastor Darrell Armstrong
July 12, 2019 (Friday), 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Holy Light MBC 60th Anniversary Banquet at Carson Event Center
Address: Carson Event Center - 801 Carson Avenue, Carson CA 90745 Limited amount of tickets still available ($75.00 each)
July 14, 2019 (Sunday)
10:00 am Sunday Close Out Service: Speaker Pastor Darrell Armstrong, Shiloh Baptist Church
(Food served Sunday between services)
3:00 pm Sunday Close Out Service: Speaker Pastor Phillip Lewis, New Mt. Pleasant MBC
July 22-24, 2019
California State Baptist Convention Annual Session at Citizen of Zion MBC
Address: Citizens of Zion MBC: 12930 South Lime St., Compton, CA 90221
Worship Services starting Tuesday Night – Workshops – Tuesday & Wednesday
Workshops Include – Sunday School Done right; How to Recession Proof Your Ministry; Apologetics; Building a Church that Disciples Men among others.
July 27, 2019, Saturday, 7:00 pm
Church Council Meeting
Aug 2, 2019, Friday, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Holy Light MBC Education Dept Fundraiser at Shakey’s - All proceeds to benefit Education Department
Address: Shakey's - 5604 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City CA 90230 ( website )
Bring Flyer with you and let them know you are supporting Holy Light

The Annual Children & Youth Day Celebration Program included acknowledgement of all graduates (Kindergarten through University) with special presentations from the Education Department.
Holy Light Youth at Annual Music Workshop

Holy Light First Aide Ministry
