From the Desk of the Pastor
In person worship Services continue to be temporarily cancelled. I’d like to respond to some questions that members may have.
When will the church re-open for in-person services?
"We are in the midst of a spike in cases throughout the nation. We are closely monitoring the information given by the professionals. Currently in place in Los Angeles is a 10 person limit on in person worship to allow streaming. Once an update is given I will make that information known.Why are some other facilities open in the city and the church not open?
Health experts have stated that church services have been causes of spreading of the virus. The state of North Carolina and other states opened for services and a number of churches had clusters of COVID cases. Therefore it best for us to remain careful before we reopen for in-person worship. Please Remember this. The church never closes and we are thankful and will continue streaming of services during this period."
Please note that on the Holy Light MBC Facebook account there is a live service at 9:00am every Sunday morning.
Continue to pray for our nation, state and city and for the hearts of those to change their positions of authority in law enforcement.
Sunday Service: Oct. 18, 2020
Pastor/Wife Appreciation Service
Sunday, October 11, 2020
"Congratulations Pastor & First Lady Dandridge on Celebrating 5 Years as our Pastoral Leaders!"

CSBC, Inc. Women's Auxiliary Virtual Serendipity Conference
HOLY LIGHT WOMEN- We are encouraging all women to take part in this Women’s Ministry conference
Date: October 24th, 2020
Time: 9:00am
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 7708 2698
Passcode: 923939

Men's Day Service
Sunday, October 25 (9:00am)
Our Men’s day service will be the fourth Sunday in October on the 25th. This will also be a virtual service at 9am. We are asking all men to contribute $100 offering for Men’s day.

Trick or Treat
Saturday, October 31 (11:00am - 2:00pm)
We will be giving out candies and other goodies on Halloween Day. Bring kids to our parking lot from 11:00am - 2:00pm.
Sunday, November 1 (10:00am - 12:00pm)

Communion will be served in the church parking lot on first Sunday November 1st, between 10am and 12pm. We also will have take home meals prepared for you by our Holy Light Culinary Church Ministry. Meals will be Fried or Baked Chicken, Greens or Mixed Vegetables, Macaroni and Cheese, rolls, soda and Cake. The prepared meals will be available beginning at 10:45am.

In addition on first Sunday we will have Frozen Fresh & Lean Meals that will be provided to those who drive thru. We are partnering with Gospel Mission Baptist Church who are making these meals available to us. We thank Gospel Mission Baptist Church and Pastor Raymond Dennis for including us in this program.
Also if you would like to walk through the church and see the improvements that have been made. Painting of the interior and the new blinds and windows in the fellowship hall.
Facility Improvements

We continue to make improvements to our church facilities both indoor and outdoor.The new windows and blinds have been installed in the church fellowship hall. We are currently in the process of looking into new flooring in the fellowship hall and vestibule area. We encourage members to continue to be faithful in their giving!

New Blinds

New Windows

VOTE 2020
California Voter Registration Site Link Below- Please note that voting by mail will be available for each registered voter. Information on this was sent last week.
Sermon Sunday
October 18th, 2020

This past Sunday dealt with Noah’s obedience to God as he goes into the first pandemic, the flooding of the Earth. In our current pandemic we should stay obedient to God.
This message covers the principles that Noah follows in being to God.
He started on God’s plan
He submitted to God’s plan
He shared God’s plan
He stuck to God’s plan
Sunday School Puzzle
Lesson 7: God Confirms the Covenant (Exodus 24:1-11)
October 18, 2020
