From the Desk of the Pastor
In person worship Services continue to be temporarily cancelled. We have a written plan for the church reopening which will lessen the likelihood of exposure during services. Currently the Los Angeles County guidelines call for only live streaming services or taping of services with a number of 10 or less in attendance. We will continue to monitor the situation and will make notification to members when re-opening can begin.
Continue to pray for our nation, state and city and for the hearts of those to change their positions of authority in law enforcement.
Holy Light BBQ - Saturday, September 26

Virtual Women’s Day Service - Sunday, September 27

Rehearsals for the Women’s Ensemble have been scheduled for Sunday September 13that 10:30am and Sunday September 27that 8:00am.
All ladies of Holy Light are encouraged to submit your assessment of $100.00 or whatever you are able to donate by the 2nd Sunday September 13th.

Facility Improvements
We continue to make improvements to our church facilities both indoor and outdoor. This weekend installments of new windows and blinds to the church fellowship hall will take place. We encourage members to continue to be faithful in their giving!
Sermon Sunday - August 16th, 2020
"Thank God Anyway" Habakkuk 3:17-19

Fig tree not blossom, no fruit on vines.
The labor of the olive shall fail.
The field shall yield no meal.
The flock be cut off from the fold.
No herd in the stalls.
This just about completes the sad picture. II. THE MAN OF FAITH'S REACTION.
"I will rejoice in the Lord."
Word in Hebrew: aw-laz.
Word literally means "Jump for joy."
"I will joy in the God of my salvation."
Hebrew word translated joy: "gil."
"To spin around under the influence of violent emotion", "such as joy."
No wonder the world does not understand the man of faith.
No visible means of survival, and he is dancing in rapturous joy.
Faith is the key.
The man of faith takes God at His Word.
God has promised to supply all my needs.
My problems usually arise when I ask how?
It is not necessary that I know how.
The man of faith knows that God has resources he knows nothing about.
Manna and quail in wilderness.
Ravens brought food to Elijah.
Note the rejoicing is in the Lord and the joy is in God.
We look at our circumstances and we want to cry, we get discouraged.
What does that tell me?
Don't look at my circumstances.
Look to the Lord.
He measures the universe with His span.
When you are so close to your problem and so far from God, God seems very small.
The answer lies in getting close to God.

California Voter Registration
Site Link Below- Please note that voting by mail will be available for each registered voter. Information on this was sent last week.
Census 2020 "Your Response is Crucial"
Sunday School Puzzle
Lesson 1: God Provides Manna and Quail (Exodus 16:2-15) September 6, 2020
